29 Ocak 2016 Cuma

Peer evolution 3
Peer evolution 2
Peer evolution 1

28 Ocak 2016 Perşembe

I read an article about adjusting to college and I want to share my ideas about it.
The article ‘Adjusting to college’, written by the Counselling Centre of Illinois, handles some transitions, changes and that students encounter and how to overcome them while adjusting to college.

The article is really well-prepared in different ways. First of all, its language is very clear. Actually, I do not like this type of articles as they make me get bored. If they are like that, I want to give up reading that article. However, I really enjoyed reading it. The author clearly explains what he wants to tell us. What I mean is that he explains himself briefly with an appropriate language. Moreover, he gives very useful suggestions for those who are new-comers. Being in a new environment can be very challenging especially if you are a shy person. You may not want to socialise immediately or going out and being with friends always. Actually, I was lucky since I had friends when starting the college life since I had friends. Especially studying at prep school is very beneficial for this situation.  I thought it would be harder for me without them. However, the author shows us that it is not such a big deal giving some tips like ‘get involved’ or ‘connect with the other students’ about how to overcome the hardships related to the period of adjusting to college life. Lastly, the author analyses and understands the psychology of the students. This is very important step about finding solutions to like these problems. I, as a student, always complain that no one understand the thoughts and feelings of students. However, the author is like a friend who realizes our situation and gives suggestion. I think every student should read this article before starting a college and getting new friends. Furthermore, studying at university is nonsense when you have not friends with whom you do not spend times.  To sum up, it’s a very good article in terms of its language and contents.

I love puzzle. This is my favourite hobby. My puzzle love started when I was at high school. My English teacher like doing puzzle and she always tells about them. She has many puzzles at her home. Once I went to Ankara for a school trip, we went to Anitkabir and I saw a gorgeous puzzle which has Ataturk and his horse, Sakarya, on it. I decided to buy it, but I thought that I should buy two pieces. One of them is for my teacher and the other one is for my mother. One of the friends of my mother also loves puzzles and my mother sometimes does puzzle with her. I thought that she may like it. I bought two pieces and I came home. I gave my teacher’s gift and my mother’s. Both of them fancied. My gifts made them happy. However, my mother was a little bit afraid of it because she had not done puzzle before and she thought that she could not do it. I encouraged her and we started to do it together. That was my first puzzle and I liked it. We were able to desist from doing it. We finished it in a week. By the way, the puzzle was 1000 pieces. Then, my mother and I decided to buy the new ones. Now, my mother has 10-15 puzzles like it. Some of them are 3000 pieces. She does puzzles, frame and put them on the walls. She says that doing puzzle relieved her. I agree with her. Doing puzzle removes your thoughts which are in your head for a while. Now, our biggest dream is doing a 5000 pieces puzzle.
Most of the people think that doing puzzle is so difficult, but I do not think so. Actually, before I started to do it, I thought like them. However, I conquer this fear now. Furthermore, if you split into the groups according to their colours, you will simplify your puzzle. The happiness when you finish and put it on the wall is priceless. I suggest you try at least once.

And these are some of my favourite puzzle models...

27 Ocak 2016 Çarşamba

If I was a jury member of the committee choosing the person of the year, my candidate would be Kerem Catay. I would like him to be the person of the year because of his contributions to Turkish TV series. He found Ay Production when crisis oppressed Turkey and it has been one of the biggest companies of Turkey in a short time. I believe that the person of the year should be someone who does useful things for his/her country, be a role model for the younger generation. I believe that this person is Kerem Catay. The first task which Ay Production did was ‘Calınan Ceset’ which is a TV film. What caused Ay Production being known was ‘Yaprak Dokumu’ which is written by Resat Nuri Guntekin. Then, Ask-ı Memnu and Dudaktan Kalbe pushed Ay Production over the top.  These TV series brought in 33.8 million TL to Ay Production. ‘Fatmagul'un Sucu Ne?’ has started to be watched in France. Which I mostly like is ‘Delibal’ which is a film released in 2015. Furthermore, Kerem Catay is modest and emotional person. Most people find him handsome,too. Ezel is another series made by Ay Production. It has won Golden Butterfly. Bes Kardes, Analar ve Anneler, Kurt Seyit ve Sura and Bir Kucuk Eylul Meselesi are other series and films of Ay Production. Now, Kerem Catay is studying on a film (Kırık Kalpler Bankası) which is going to be released this year. Besides, he contributed to Marmara Media Center about enforcement network. Last year, he joined as honored guest to Cannes MIPCOM Fair. In 2013, he was a jury in International Emmy Awards. He voted in drama branch. All in all, I think that the person of the year should be Kerem Catay. He really is an idol for the young people who do not have the confidence. He is a real entrepreneur. He is married and father of two sons. It is believed that he did all these things thanks to his father. However, I do not believe it because entrepreneurship does not depend on just money. 
And this is Kerem Catay…

“So you do have a plan? Yeah, Mr. White! Yeah, science!”: Breaking Bad

(Best Breaking Bad scenes)
According to IMDb sort, Breaking Bad is the best TV serial. In this TV serial, a chemistry teacher diagnosed with terminal lung cancer teams up with his former student to cook and sell crystal meth. All of events start with this. At the final episode, Mr. White, chemistry teacher, died. There are Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul starring in this TV serial. There are 5 seasons in total. I think each of them is masterpiece. Furthermore, it has won 120 wins including Golden Globes.
Its creator is Vince Gilligan. In the beginning, Gilligan wanted to create a series in which the protagonist became the antagonist. Breaking Bad describes Mr. White’s transformation consummately. Due to the fact that Breaking Bad is a scientific series, creator wanted to receive help from a scientist. Donna Nelson, a professor of organic chemistry at the University of Oklahoma, checked scripts and provided dialogue. When creator asked her to help, she said "I really like this script, and if you ever need help with the chemistry, I'd love to lend a hand." She's been a wonderful advisor. Also, creator wanted to describe most of the main characters' connections to their families in great detail. 
I have chosen this TV serial due to its popularity. I heard many times this series from my friends and finally, I decided to watch it. I finished watching it in 10 days. As soon as I came from the school, I opened my computer and watched it. It is very riveting. Sometimes, I could not understand the scientific things, but this situation did not prevent me to love it. I was so sad when it finished. I think has been the best crime drama ever. Breaking Bad has already demonstrated it with the wins which it has won. I will not forget Heisenberg, which is Mr. White’s nickname, forever. I offer this series everybody. I think every person living on this world should not die without watching it. Finally, these are some quotes from it.
v'Just because you shot Jesse James doesn't mean you are Jesse James.'
v'I am not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger! A guy opens his door and gets shot and you think that of me? No. I am the one who knocks!'
v'If you don’t know who I am, then maybe your best course would be to tread lightly.'
v'Someone has to protect this family from the man who protects this family.'
v'You know how they say 'it's been a pleasure'? Well... it hasn't.'

v'Put me on your magical boat, man, and sail me down your chocolately river of meth!'

Co-education is better than single sex-education

Co-education is a system of education where males and females are educated together while single sex education is the practice of conducting education where male and female students attend separate classes or in separate buildings or schools.
Both of them have several advantages and disadvantages. I think co-education is better than the other. There are many reasons why I think like this. First of all, education is a representation of the real world around us which has both girls and boys and the purpose of schooling is to educate us so that we can be ready for the world as adults. Now, if the school was single gender based we will go off to the world. We cannot think like this world that you are isolated from the other gender. Secondly, co-education helps people get through the puberty better. As puberty hits you, you are naturally more curious about the other gender. That curiosity is completely normal. Co-education lets you get to know about the other gender better than single sex education. Finally, according to the researches, students perform better in co-education schools. Studies show that the higher the percentage of girls in a co-education classroom, the better the academic performance for all students (both male and female). In high school, the classrooms with the best academic achievement were consistently those that had a higher percentage of girls .A higher percentage of girls lowers classroom disruption and creates better relationships with the teacher. Consequently, if teachers want to prepare the students for the real world, co-education is a necessity for them.
I want to tell off this topic because I am going to be a teacher and I am interested in reading educational problems. I like reading and thinking about them. I think solutions to these problems and this makes me feel like a teacher. In Turkey, there is co-education system now, but I am afraid of being single sex education in 5 years. I hope that this system will not be executed. Otherwise, there are several people who cannot get into the real world after graduating.

26 Ocak 2016 Salı

Hello! My name is Melike. I am a student at Middle East Technical University.
This is my second year at university, but I am first grader. I studied at prep school last year. METU is a university which is built on a large tract in Ankara. This enables METU students to execute several activities from concerts to sport activities. I think the most important thing is that these all activities are executed by students.
At METU campus, I stay in a dormitory which is very comfortable. Generally, I go to school and I am chilling with my posse. Apart from these, I am interested in amateur photography. I have been interested in it for 3 years. I love taking photographs and editing them. I am very new at this work, so I define myself amateur. I feel like I produce something while I am taking photographs and this makes me very happy. Recently, I cannot find time to go out and take photographs because of exams and assignments. This makes me sad, but at the first opportunity, I will do it.

My interest in photography started when I was 17. My father knew my interest and when I was very successful at school and exams he decided to buy a camera for me and all things started like this. My friends like the photographs taken by me. Then, I wanted to improve myself and started to take photographs. However, I am not a professional photographer and I want to be. So, I would like to join Amateur Photography Community. However, there is a problem for me about this community. They are also interested in political things and I do not want to join like these things. If I joined this community, I would help them to improve their knowledge about professional cameras. 
And these are some photographs taken by me :)